Hello, my name is Mo and I am so looking forward to spending time with you at The Wee Yoga Room.
For me I loved the idea of Yoga, but it took me a long time to feel able to attend a class. I had an imagine of bendy, thin and sorted Yogis. I did not fit into any of those categories!
My friend took me along to a few vinyasa flow classes, I liked it, but I felt a bit out my depth. It was through a very nice gift I received for a weekend Yoga and Wellness retreat that I had the time and space to get better acquainted with Yoga. This gave me the confidence to try different classes and ‘styles’ of yoga. But it also allowed me to meet so many different and lovely people, not many of which fitted with the ‘bendy, thin and sorted yogi’ imagine.
As time has passed yoga has become an integral part of my life, supporting me through my pregnancy’s, with my physical and mental well being as well as providing a safe space when life got tough!
I felt compelled to train as a yoga teacher and trained at Yoga Jo’s in Milngavie. I am very grateful for the experience, it introduced me to the Ashtanga practice and Yoga Philosophy. I have since completed Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga Teacher Training and if Covid allows I will start my 300-hour Yoga and Mindfulness with focus on mental health, accessibility, and physical rehabilitation in June. All topics close to my heart.
The Ashtanga Practice is there for everyone and I hope I can support people to feel the joy and nourishment Yoga can bring to their life as it has for me!
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